Crazy Cups Email Refresh

Once I had established a good direction for the brand new Crazy Cups website, the next challenge was to help redesign email communications. And I mean, a LOT of email communications. So off into Adobe XD I went, and cranked out upwards of 30 email communications!

Below is a taste of the old emails. Stock photography was being repeated quite a bit throughout various communications, emails were a little too block-y and didn't flow right, and they simply matched the 90's templated look the original website had going on.

And now, a view of my work process for all the new emails! I used adobe XD to wireframe and export all assets for the communications team, but I used a mix of illustrator, photoshop, and dimension to create some visual assets for each email.

And below are a few of the final emails, some with flows such as winbacks and welcome series, which are now being used for external customer communications!